Honks, Just Part of the Commute

Back on the bike again, riding into downtown from Oak Cliff. I only got one honk today, which is good and that occurred on the Houston St. bridge connecting Zang to Market St. in downtown. I was in the right most lane and had taken the lane, traffic merged on my right with their own lane which was clear ahead for the faster moving vehicles. I don't know if it was force of habit or what, but a couple of cars slowed down to merge behind me aggravating a motorist behind them.

I stayed in my lane until the traffic cleared and then signaled and moved into the far right lane. Other than that the commute was a piece of cake, and riding downtown was a treat as always.

I really should count my blessings like Keri of Commute Orlando. For every rude person I encounter, I have many many more polite and civil interactions with motorists. They appreciate the signaling, lane control, predictability and most of all a 'Thank You' or wave from me when they give me the right of way.
