To the City of Dallas

While you scratch your heads wondering where the money to implement our new bike plan will come from, might I suggest the link above?  Why is it that we can afford signs warning vehicles about the presence of horse drawn buggies, but some paint and a couple of signs seems to be out of reach?,+tx&hl=en&ll=32.771872,-96.805977&spn=0.003446,0.004823&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=52.637906,79.013672&hnear=Dallas,+Texas&t=h&z=18&layer=c&cbll=32.771792,-96.806039&panoid=9zeQkE5mPUIKHIkzbN5ojQ&cbp=12,69.44,,3,-5.7700000000000005

If you want to see people riding bikes on the streets of Dallas (complete or otherwise), please affirm their right to be there first.  It's not cost prohibitivie to demonstrate to motor vehicle drivers that bicycles belong on the road and that we all must share. 
