Problem with the Profession

One of the guys I was talking to at the criterium race a couple of weeks ago shared with me his insight into a particular race held in the summer in Texas. The 'Hotter n' Hell' race is a 100 mile long day race in the dead of summer. I asked if he participated, and he said yes, but that it was over hyped.

I asked him why he felt that way, and he responded, "If you ride hard like we do, then you can finish the race in four to five hours. All the beginners move at a slower pace and bake in the sun all day. It's easier to do what we do." This is wisdom of the highest order.

I'll be the first to say that Architecture students and interns are amongst the dumbest people on the planet. They actually brag about putting in ridiculous hours and pulling all-nighters. They are like the beginners trying to ride 100 miles in grueling conditions, and rather than focusing and working hard to get it out of the way, they trundle along slowly and bake.

Logging hours is not the same as productivity. Anybody can be a warm body and check their facebook all day until the sun goes down. What if they actually worked with dedicated focus? What if as a reward they were given their time back. Do you think people would suffer the perversity of billable hours? I don't think so. We all say that if we could go back and re-do school, it would be totally different. For me, it would have been making the most of the 12 hours a week set aside for studio work, instead of working 40 unproductive hours or more.
