Somebody said in an article that Dallas is amongst the worst cities in the nation for cycling. Personally, I really enjoy riding in town. Drivers are curteous and respectful and seem to tolerate riders well. I think the complaints were more because Dallas planners have not provided any bike lanes on the roads. Personally, I am more drawn to the vehicular cyclists point of view on this matter. Bicycles are vehicles just like any other, they are no different from motorcycles and cars. And I really can't put my commute on hold until the city adds bike lanes (which, given parks and recreations paving and connections of bike trails, I don't really see much motivation for).
Of course, people should use some common sense. Bikes are slower, and don't really belong on interstates or high speed highways. Inner city streets though are slower, and bikes can keep up with traffic well. I especially enjoy passing gridlock on a bike. The article had unkind words for the high speed roads and 'crazy drivers' but doesn't seem to evaluate actually riding in downtown Dallas. I think it's downright pleasant.
My complaint, which is new, has nothing to do with drivers in town or speeds of traffic, but with the quality of roads. They are terrible. Today, I intended to ride to my office and back to warm up for working out. When I was pulling into the West End from Market Street, I hit a pot hole that I did not notice. Though I did not fall off the bike, I did hit my rear hard on the bike seat. Even as I type, it hurts to sit. I'm not really a fan of Obama, but after today I can get behind a shovel ready stimulus project to fix these damned streets.
In Texas, it is the law for cyclists to stay as far to the right as practicable. Well, as crappy as the pavement can be, that may be to the middle of the lane or further left. Moral of the story: Watch for pot holes if you don't want to break your ass.
Of course, people should use some common sense. Bikes are slower, and don't really belong on interstates or high speed highways. Inner city streets though are slower, and bikes can keep up with traffic well. I especially enjoy passing gridlock on a bike. The article had unkind words for the high speed roads and 'crazy drivers' but doesn't seem to evaluate actually riding in downtown Dallas. I think it's downright pleasant.
My complaint, which is new, has nothing to do with drivers in town or speeds of traffic, but with the quality of roads. They are terrible. Today, I intended to ride to my office and back to warm up for working out. When I was pulling into the West End from Market Street, I hit a pot hole that I did not notice. Though I did not fall off the bike, I did hit my rear hard on the bike seat. Even as I type, it hurts to sit. I'm not really a fan of Obama, but after today I can get behind a shovel ready stimulus project to fix these damned streets.
In Texas, it is the law for cyclists to stay as far to the right as practicable. Well, as crappy as the pavement can be, that may be to the middle of the lane or further left. Moral of the story: Watch for pot holes if you don't want to break your ass.
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