Well, as promised my wife and I went on a journey via DART train to Downtown Plano. Though the area is small, there was considerable life to be had. Several shops were open, as well as the Austrian restaurant that we set out to try. We walked from our house to the Pearl Street Station because my wife refused to ride a bus (FYI the station is about 1 mile away). During the entire walk to the station, there were a string of complaints about having to take the DART to Plano rather than driving.
We finally boarded the train and were on our way. As the train progressed north, more and more passengers disembarked. On the way, I pointed out the Park Road Development to my wife (One would hardly notice it otherwise). 30 minutes later (which I stress because driving probably would have taken about as long) we finally arrived in Downtown Plano. The area is like an old fashioned downtown from Small Town, USA.
Immediately next to the station is a 'medium density' residential development similar to what is all the rage in Uptown. One small block over was the main drag, with several art and antiuque shops. Though we are not that into antiques or vintage stuff, it was still nice to see anyway. There were some interesting art pieces in the storefronts of some of the shops.
The Austrian restaraunt was very good, good beer too. Afterwards, we found a small wine shop which had wines for sampling. The wine lady (not sure if I should call her a wine master) was very polite and helpful, and allowed us to sample some wines from Argentina and Texas. We bought a couple of bottles and headed back to the station.
We were having such a good time that we decided to stop at Mockingbird Station for a couple of margaritas. By the end of the day, we both enjoyed the experience.
We finally boarded the train and were on our way. As the train progressed north, more and more passengers disembarked. On the way, I pointed out the Park Road Development to my wife (One would hardly notice it otherwise). 30 minutes later (which I stress because driving probably would have taken about as long) we finally arrived in Downtown Plano. The area is like an old fashioned downtown from Small Town, USA.
Immediately next to the station is a 'medium density' residential development similar to what is all the rage in Uptown. One small block over was the main drag, with several art and antiuque shops. Though we are not that into antiques or vintage stuff, it was still nice to see anyway. There were some interesting art pieces in the storefronts of some of the shops.
The Austrian restaraunt was very good, good beer too. Afterwards, we found a small wine shop which had wines for sampling. The wine lady (not sure if I should call her a wine master) was very polite and helpful, and allowed us to sample some wines from Argentina and Texas. We bought a couple of bottles and headed back to the station.
We were having such a good time that we decided to stop at Mockingbird Station for a couple of margaritas. By the end of the day, we both enjoyed the experience.
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